8 Years of Listening to the “Heartbeat” of Hola Park

Mr. Tran Van Toan, a member of the management team of the F-Ville 1 and F-Ville 2 buildings under the Aden contractor, is as addicted to Hola Park Campus CodeCation as any other FSOFTer. Eight years of companionship and the hope of being connected for longer are a testament to this.

“One iced black coffee, please,” Mr. Toan called out amid the line of FSOFTers neatly queuing to buy drinks at Azzan, F-Ville 2. Receiving his coffee, he briskly walked down to his office in the basement of F-Ville 2. This is how he started his energetic workday.

In October 2016, Mr. Tran Van Toan began his journey with Hola Park. He recalls that the hustle and bustle of city life made a reserved person who loves peaceful spaces like him ponder. Fortunately, the opportunity to work at Hola Park came at the right time. He decided to entrust his career to this campus. “Taking the bus to work was a new experience. Just thinking about avoiding the dust and traffic jams during rush hour made me very happy,” Mr. Toan confided.

After 8 years, the image of Mr. Toan in a white shirt and trousers, small stature, brisk walking, sometimes carrying a thick stack of documents or a small tape measure, has become very familiar to FSOFTers. The nature of operating the buildings at Hola Park, which requires constant movement, has shaped such an image.

Every day, in addition to observing, researching, and building landscapes suitable for the “Green and Modern” nature of the campus, he also coordinates with members of Aden, FID, and SSC to ensure all amenities meet the working and entertainment needs of employees. “Checking the security system and then going to every corner, meticulously inspecting every branch and blade of grass, listening to the breath of each living thing to timely plan for care, watering, or replacement… seems to have become my daily routine at the campus,” Mr. Toàn enthusiastically shared.

Whenever the campus welcomes international customers, government officials, student groups, or hosts events, Mr. Toàn has a few sleepless nights. Understanding that this is an opportunity to impress guests with a Green – Modern Hola Park that blends work and life, he listens to directives and wishes from FSOFT, continuously maintaining meetings with Aden members to ensure all tasks run smoothly.

“For instance, support the IT FEST 2023 event. To ensure the event was perfect and made external guests and audience members wow during their experience at the campus, we had to prepare for all weather scenarios, calculate, and consider every smallest factor, such as how security would be managed, where to place certain plants, how to clean up during and after the event, etc. There were days I stayed at the campus and did overtime, like FSOFTers running projects,” Mr. Toàn recalled.

Despite the meticulous and “brain-draining” nature of his work, his love for the campus has never waned. For Mr. Toàn, each day coming to the campus is not only about working but also experiencing new things, meeting FSOFTers, customers from around the world, and immersing himself in the campus’s green space.

The event Mr. Toàn looks forward to most each quarter at Hola Park is the Market Fair. He buys beer and snacks like any other FSOFTer. If he doesn’t have time to enjoy them right at the event, he carefully packs them to take home and share with his wife. He considers running between buildings to check security or observe the landscape as an opportunity to breathe fresh air, exercise his legs and eyes, and nurture his mental health from within.

“Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life”. This saying has been a guiding principle for Mr. Toàn throughout his time at Hola Park. He hopes that his efforts and those of his Aden colleagues will contribute to making Hola Park greener, more modern, leaving a deep impression on every FSOFTer and customer, and attracting more tech talents to the campus.


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