All FSOFTers participate in ISMS Refresh Training by end of June

From June 22 to July 6, CTC cooperated with ISM Information Security Department to organize a security course namely “ISMS Refresh Training” for all FSOFTers in Vietnam.

In 2022, the exam will be held in 2 phases. Phase 1 will be held in June 2022 while phase 2 will be held in November 2022. In the first phase, the exam is organized by site: Hanoi from June 22-28, Ho Chi Minh City from June 24-30 and Danang from June 29 to July 6.

The exam content is presented in 2 languages ​​including English and Vietnamese. In which, lessons and exams are divided into appropriate content for 3 groups of subjects which are Manager, Delivery and BA.

The exam is also a mandatory test for subjects who are not FSOFT employees but are working at FSOFT’s headquarters such as housekeeping staff, drivers, security guards, etc. All FSOFT employees at FSOFT Vietnam, regardless of contract type, up to the time of program implementation, are required to take this exam. Changing frequency and participants is one of ISMS’s new strategies in keeping the FSOFTer in mind, helping to form unconditioned reflexes and adjust habits. The inappropriateness of some personnel may accidentally cause information security errors.

Employees who are on maternity leave, unpaid leave, or contract suspension during the program period are allowed to suspend participation in this exam. Employees who do not fully participate in the program will be handled according to Decision No. 409/2022/QD/FSOFT-CTC.

To encourage employees to participate in the ISMS Refresh Training exam, the organizers also offer an attractive reward system for the units with the earliest and 95% or more completion rate as follows:

  • 3 collectives (BU with 400 employees or more) are rewarded with VND 3 million;
  • 6 collectives (BU has from 201-300 employees) are awarded VND 2 million;
  • 6 collectives (BU with 101-200 employees) were awarded VND 1 million;

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