Aura Network continues to accompany 9 NFT projects in Final of “Aura Hackathon 2022”

Yesterday, on August 11, the final round of the contest took place with the participation of 9 teams from 4 units in the group: FSOFT, FTEL, FU and FPT Polytechnic. There, the teams presented their projects with actual products directly to the judges.

These are all the first NFT projects that are actually developed on the Aura Network platform. Through this, the competition teams had the opportunity to directly interact with the professional team of Aura Network, as well as contribute to improving the platform’s infrastructure and tools.

After careful consideration, the judges officially decided upon the ideas worthy of the top 3 awards of the program. Each project has its own breakthrough point, so the judges decided to award an additional third prize and increased the total number of prizes to 4.

Accordingly, the first, second, and two third prizes went to EduGame (FNE.EDG), F-Trade (FHM.AKAT), NLZ (GST.DN) and Meleport (GAM.DAP) respectively. In other words, highest awards belong to the representatives of FSOFT.

EduGame (FNE.EDG) is crowned as the champion of “Hack to NFT and Beyond!”EduGame won the title convincingly with the idea of ​​​​a platform that combines Education and Metaverse. The team takes the social construction learning method as a guideline. Besides creativity and breakthrough, the idea is also highly appreciated for its practical application and completeness in a short time.

At the contest, judge Tran Dang Hoa – FSOFT COO, shared, “FPT Software has the responsibility to contribute to promoting the applicability of NFT. Aura Network is committed to accompanying and supporting developers to bring project ideas into reality. From there, I hope the Aura Network ecosystem will be more and more perfected and become the first Layer-1 Blockchain ecosystem in Vietnam.That would contribute to the development of the developer community in Vietnam in particular and in the world in general.”

Hackathon – “Hack to NFT And Beyond” was jointly organized by Aura and EduNext for all employees of FPT Corporation and its subsidiaries, and students at FPT University (including Greenwich, Polytechnic, and Swinburne). The participating teams could present their ideas on NFT, GameFi and SocialFi-related products that are built on Aura Network. The competition is open to all who have the ability, programming thinking and passion for Blockchain. The total contest prize is up to 30,000 USD and the champion of the tournament will win a ticket to the Global Hackathon contest organized by Aura Network and its partners.

source Aura


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