BA WOW marks SSC.HR’s pioneering position in optimizing authorization process for Personal Income Tax Finalization 

During the PIT Finalization period 2021 taking place in February-March, 2022, SSC has saved a lot of time and resources by improving, creating, and streamlining the process. The process has been switched to an online authorization form to limit contact and gathering of people.

Specifically, the process of authorizing the annual tax finalization has been implemented by SSC in collaboration with IDX and FST, based on the spirit of DX and continuous improvement. It has brought many obvious changes compared to the traditional way.

Previously, the authorization process was done directly as (1) SSC informed employees about tax finalization by email; (2) Employees came to HR’s workspace and signed the authorization confirmation directly. This year, the proposed solution is to inform employees about the tax finalization period and the employees can sign the authorization right on FHU’s internal tool.

With this method, FSOFTers can also refer to everything related to tax finalization such as authorized objects, authorization regulations, and authorizing the company to sign. The online process is quick and easy. As a pioneer that benefited from this improvement, Ms. Vu Thuy Ha Anh (SSC.HN) shared her joy when the idea was implemented by Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Son (FHO.FST) and the team in just 3 days to promptly serve the tax finalization for nearly 20,000 FSOFTers in Vietnam.

From the above case, it can be seen that the continuous improvement of DX has helped SSC streamline the process, cut many stages in the implementation stage, switch from offline to online to look towards the future of a ”paperless office”. It is estimated that SSC has saved 64MM from this improvement and above all helps all FSOFTers to conveniently and quickly confirm their tax finalization online instead of having to go to the office to sign documents.

The Tax Finalization Process

It can be seen that process to optimize and apply automation methods will be the basis for units to save costs, resources, and increase productivity. This is the goal that the BA WOW program has set when being deployed to BA departments.

With the goal being “Lean to shine” to better serve other projects and departments, block BA in 2022 will participate in the “BA WOW” program initiated by iDX to renew itself by streamlining and automating internal processes to reduce manual repetitive work. That is all for the common goal of increasing productivity of the whole company by 10%.

In order to encourage the spirit of self-innovation and continuous improvement of the FSOFTers in BA, “BA WOW” will offer many attractive prizes to individuals and units actively participating in the program. Specifically, each BA employee who proposes and implements the optimization of his own process will be rewarded with 3 million VND for each successfully optimized process step. The department that performed the best process optimization in the quarter will be awarded 5 million VND.



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