CDO Vu Tien Dat: “Officially implementation of CI/CD process for all projects in FSOFT”

In order to improve the productiity across projects, from September 1, 2022, the CD process – an automatic solution for packaging and installing software, will officially become a mandatory process applied to all eligible software projects throughout the FSOFT. The main unit responsible for implementing this program is the Productivity Improvement Department (PID).

With the central goal of “Saving Man-months” throughout FSOFT, under the management of CDO FSOFT Vu Tien Dat, besides the CI (Continuous Integration) process that has been running since 2020, PID.DSC has officially applied the CD (Continuous Deployment/Delivery) process since September 2022 for eligle projects throughout the company.

Cucumber had a short conversation with Mr. Vu Tien Dat and Mr. Bui Hai Toan – Head of PID, about this key program.

Mr. Dat, as the CDO, could you tell us why CI/CD has become a mandatory process for projects in FSOFT?

CDO Vu Tien Dat: The mandatory CD process for deployment projects is a continuation of the success of the CI Go-mass program. Previously, CDs were voluntary in projects, only projects that were proactive and liked to apply new technologies could apply.

The new regulation is like a “push” to help the project overcome difficulties in improving and automating their very daily activities such as deployment. From there, it could make software delivery and packaging easier and more professional. As a result of it, projects can improve their productivity and save MMs while reducing unnecessary errors as when things are done manually.

What exactly will projects benefit from CD?

Besides the support of DSC, it is indispensable for the cooperation and direct implementation of the project team. CD will solve the internal problems of the project that the person who understands these issues best is none other than the members of the project. CD will help speed up deloyment and reduce errors when doing it manually. In addition, the CD process in combination with CI also contributes to improving the quality of the Project’s Delivery / Release process by combining with code analysis tools before the packaging to ensure security and become overall solutions of Agile-DevOps, DevSecOps, DevTestOps, which are the trend of the software development industry today.

Thank you Dat! It can be seen that the project will receive a lot of benefits from the CI/CD process, but the company-wide implementation will certainly face many difficulties. As the person who directly supervises the implementation of this program, what do you think, Mr. Toan?

From S2/2022, with the attention and encouragement of leaders at all levels, the CD Go-mass program was launched with the goal of “popularizing” CDs for 100% of FSOFT projects under the coordination of various stakeholders. On the side of PID.DSC, we guarantee stability from infrastructure, add-on services and a project support team. At the same time, stakeholders such as SEPG, IT, QA, and CI/CD PIC, also have certain commitments and roles in supporting the implementation. Sideline events to share knowledge and experiences for specific project lines will still be held regularly to help all project members easily implement CI/CD.

Can you tell me more about the improvements of CD Go-mass 2022?

Firstly, PID.DSC continuously researches, builds and adds a series of new templates, based on the available templates for projects, helping them to actively apply this process to their work while not being overly dependent on stakeholders.

Secondly, the DSC deployment team is always ready to support projects when facing difficulties or problems during the installation process.

Third, we help projects measure the CD application efficiency with deployment features on akaWORK: the Saving Deployment Time indicator in DevOps chart is visualized with a series of DevOps metrics such as deployment frequency, average deployment time, among others. In addition, projects may find that the Defect Rate related to Deployment errors is significantly reduced when applying the CD automation process.

We always do our best to support projects to realize the true effectiveness of CI/CD and implement this process as quickly as possible. The success and coverage of CD Go-mass will be the premise for us to deploy add-on services such as DevSecOps and DevTestOps for the whole FSOFT. This is not only useful for the project, but it also contributes a certain proportion in the “Saving Man-month” problem of the whole company.

To receive advice on implementing the CI/CD process, FSOFTers can contact the DevOps_HelpDesk group or send an email to: [email protected].

source DSC


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