F-Ville swimming pool attracts FSOFTer Hoa Lac after reopening

FSOFT people in Hoa Lac are gradually returning to normal working and living rhythms. One of the outstanding activities is the reopening of the swimming pool to serve you after the “doors are closed” due to the Covid-19 epidemic.

From April 1, swimming pool F-Ville 1 was officially reopened. The swimming pool has been cleaned, water changed and ready to welcome all FSOFTers. Swimming at the F-Ville pool, FSOFTer is fully equipped with accompanying amenities such as a storage rack right at the pool, changing room, bathroom, etc.

After a series of gloomy days due to Covid-19, Software Village people can enjoy swimming with their colleagues, both cooling off and improving their health. It is expected that many connecting activities will be organized for the “fishermen” of F-Ville in the near future.

Mr. HiepNV9 regularly swims at the F-Ville pool.

Mr. Nguyen Van Hiep (GST.PTG) – one of the FSOFTers who often swims at noon said: “Swimming is my favorite subject. Fortunately, in Hoa Lac, in addition to the gym facilities, the yoga room also has a swimming pool, so it is very convenient for me to practice every day”. Mr. Hiep also said, this is an interesting activity that not all companies can meet, so if there is a chance, programmers should experience F-Ville in order to better understand the environment there.

F-Ville swimming pool has been put into use since November 2013, located in the ecological community of FSOFT in Hoa Lac. The swimming pool meets international standards of 12.5×25 m, with depths from 1.2-1.8 m. The tank is changed every 5 days and has a changing room for users. FSOFT employees can use the swimming pool completely free of charge.


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