FAMer settles down in his dream house after just three months of searching

After residing in the US for five years, Mr. Vu Nhat Tin (FAM.ST9) has decided to purchase a house. He sees Atlanta, Georgia as the perfect place to settle down and advance his career.

Having experience in Healthcare and Logistics in Japan, Mr. Tin seized short-term onsite chances in the US as his business unit grew its market. Following three back-to-back onsite trips within a year, he earned a long-term project assignment with a large customer in the US Logistics sector and relocated to the US in late 2018.

Initially, Mr. Tin leased an apartment in Alpharetta, a suburb of Atlanta, to be closer to customers. During this period, there were only a few families in Georgia, mostly newcomers unfamiliar with life in a foreign land. They had less experience in purchasing a car, grocery shopping, or finding a place to live. Nonetheless, all members received personalized assistance from manager Tran Anh Tuan (FAM.ST9), who had extensive experience living in the US.

In 2020, he transitioned to the role of Technical Analyst and Team Leader for the C99 project. By the end of 2021, as the Covid-19 pandemic was being managed, Mr. Tin and his wife were finally reunited in the US after three years of being apart due to work.

Determined to settle down in the US, Mr.Tin and his wife reignited their goal to purchase a home in Atlanta by mid-2023. After three months of gathering information from well-known platforms like Zillow, Redfin, Realtor, and seeking guidance from coworkers and real estate agents, they found a home that perfectly matched their preferences.

“I selected this house partly due to its proximity to the bustling Asian market and the vibrant Asian community. It allows my family to purchase food and cooking essentials as if they were in Vietnam,” Mr. Tin explained. With just a 30-minute commute from his new residence to the office, travel is convenient, enabling easy interaction and bonding with FPT colleagues.

For Mr. Tin, the biggest difficulty is finding the most satisfactory house among the “countless” proposed options, because the differences in building structures, renovation practices, and legal processes between the US and Vietnam have posed significant hurdles. Consequently, he invested substantial time in research, house visits, and negotiating effectively with the seller.

Mr. Tin shared his thoughts on Georgia, noting the ideal living environment with fresh air, friendly locals, clean and spacious infrastructure, and roads. The region experiences four distinct seasons: spring blooms with flowers, warm summers are perfect for beach outings, autumn dazzles with red and yellow foliage changes, and winter, although cold, sees less snow compared to Northern areas. Notably, the FPT community enjoys communal meals and road trips to explore the vast United States whenever possible.

For those planning to visit the US, Mr. Tin offers advice: “America is a melting pot of diverse cultures, so be ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of American life. The FPT community in the US is supportive, ensuring you will have enthusiastic assistance from those who came before you. Best wishes and brace yourself for a thrilling new journey!”

Let’s take a look at Mr. Tin’s family’s house!

Mr. Tin’s family celebrates the Lunar New Year at their new house.
FPT members in Atlanta, Georgia
The outside of the house
The couple decorated the living room themselves for Christmas



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