FHN unites for sublime 2022

Life is gradually returning to its hustle and bustle after long days of the pandemic. At FHN, the office has become gradually crowded and meetings have been held offline again. Last weekend, the entire FHN.BOM had a meeting to review the activities in the first quarter of 2022 and plan for the next steps.

At the end of the first quarter, FHN had positive signs. WIP Revenue is expected to grow by 56.8%. BMM grew by 47%. Productivity grew by 10.5% over the same period in 2021. In terms of business, the unit had a year of securing many large clients, which has been the momentum for growth in 2022. Therefore, the unit also plans to continue to promote the discovery of new markets and new clients to achieve the growth target in the next period.

Regarding delivery, FHN has 214 projects running with 5,270 MM. In the first quarter, FSU brought the Customer Complain index to zero for the first time. Regarding QCD, “red” and “yellow” projects dropped sharply, leaving only 1 project in red (starting from 2020) and 13 projects in yellow. This shows that FHNers have been actively improving quality and client satisfaction.


Regarding human resources, by the end of the first quarter of 2022, the whole FHN had 2,007 employees, in which the ratio of P4 or above personnel reached 62%. Reports on programs implemented by HR by the end of the quarter show that the unit has been achieving good results with a relatively high rate compared to the plan. The Global SE program had 194 students completing the course, accounting for 33%. The Enrich Skill program had 271 students, accounting for 44%. The Go Global program to send employees to go onsite had 22 members registered for long-term onsite jobs, accounting for 40%. The program Everyone does HR has attracted 208 CVs, reaching the rate of 21%.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Hien – HRBP Manager of FHN, commented that “Studying and training activities have been receiving enthusiastic responses from FHN brothers and sisters. It can be affirmed that FHN possesses a skilled army, not only with high capacity but also a lot of potential for development. We can confidently take on any project, no matter how big or small and how difficult it is.”

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Doan Phu Tai – Director of FHN, emphasized that “2022 is the pivotal year to decide whether FHN can achieve its goals for the 2021-2023 period. Now that the pandemic is no longer a concern, FHN is planning to send managers to the battlefield to conquer new battles. BUs, let’s continue to do better in delivery activities, improve productivity and quality to be ready for big battles and create momentum for growth.”

FHN is determined to reap many achievements in the next quarter

As a pioneer in all FSOFT programs, FHN is one of the FSUs that strongly respond to the Go F-Ville program to bring employees to work at the Hoa Lac campus to reduce the shortage of seats, and while helping employees enjoy a green, healthy working environment and improve their health. Therefore, at the meeting, BOD also introduced to all BULs about F-Ville 3 – a new campus being built in Hoa Lac with beautiful design and many utilities, and attractive policies to support employees. Currently, FHN is continuously organizing “F-Ville Tour” sessions to bring BUs to visit and directly experience the fresh working environment here.

After the meeting, the BULs represented their units to sign commitments for the indicators of 2022, expressing their determination to work together for the common growth goal of the unit. At the same time, the entire FHN.BOM also had an exciting team-building session. “After a long time not being able to meet each other in person, this first quarter meeting brought us a lot of emotions. Everyone feels more connected, more energetic, and more motivated to be ready to enter a new challenging phase,” a manager shared.



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