“FID’s lady contributing to the “expansion” of Hola Park

Being part of the setup and operation of the F-Ville 1 and F-Ville 2 buildings from their inception, Ms. Bui Thi Kim Van (FHO.FID) continues to be one of the few FSOFTers accompanying the birth of the F-Ville 3 building. Over 15 years of dedication to FSOFT, Ms. Van has witnessed the growth of Hola Park.

Dressed in a gray protective vest and a white hard hat, the figure of a petite woman bustling around the F-Ville 3 construction site has become familiar over the year it took to build F-Ville 3. Ms. Bui Thi Kim Van (FHO.FID) is responsible for managing and operating the offices at the Hola Park buildings, setting up offices, managing operations, and finalizing the campus interior.

Braving the June heat, Ms. Van went around the F-Ville building to check on the project’s completion, sharing the hardships and difficulties with the contractor team, and FID colleagues… For many months like that, Ms. Van and her team ‘lived’ at the construction site with the sole goal and hope: To get the F-Ville 3 building operational on schedule to serve the staff and employees.

“The work at the construction site in the early stages of the project was very difficult, with the summer heat, no toilets requiring the use of temporary booths, unreliable electricity and internet, muddy roads, dusty conditions, and irregular meals, sometimes box meals, sometimes instant noodles. The project team members all struggled, but those are unforgettable memories,” recalls Ms. Van.

For more than a decade, Ms. Van and her husband, Mr. Luong Tuan Tu (SSC.HL), have worked at Hola Park, from its initial desolate days to when it now boasts three buildings with a variety of amenities, surrounded by large corporations and centers with tens of thousands of lively, bustling employees.

Ms. Van’s family was also among the first to send their child to the nursery at F-Ville 1. “Back then, my child was 10 months old, leaving for work with us at 7 am and returning at 7 pm by both bus and motorcycle. Then the initial unfamiliarity passed, and quickly, our family adapted and has been connected to this place for more than a decade,” Ms. Van fondly shares.

Together with Hola Park in ‘expanding territories’, from F-Ville 1, spreading wings to F-Ville 2, and then F-Ville 3, witnessing the transformation of the campus, Ms. Van vows to continue working with her FID colleagues to provide the best experiences for the staff in terms of landscape, interior, etc., thereby helping IT engineers to further love, connect with, and aspire to develop their careers at this campus complex.”


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