Free beers quench thirst in FSOFTers at F-Ville marketplace

Fun, excitement, and refreshment are the common feelings of FSOFTers participating in the first session of the marketplace at F-Ville over the weekend.

On April 1, people in FSOFT Hoa Lac immersed themselves in the first market session in the series that will be held periodically once a week at the F-Ville 2 campus. It rained all day, so the market could not be held outdoors as intended. Thus, FUN and SSC quickly changed the location, set up tables and chairs, spread mats, etc. within the Future Lobby of F-Ville 2 so that FSOFTers could comfortably shop, drink with their teammates, and participate in games.

Since its opening, the “specialty” of the marketplace is ready for all FSOFTers.

The first marketplace session had 10 stalls, with a variety of items such as clothes and food (dried yellow snappers, dried squid, confectionery, boiled snails). Very quickly, in less than 10 minutes, the booths made FSOFTers from F-Ville1 and F-Ville 2 restless. Everyone saw a favorite item and quickly offered to buy it. Most of the shops that display snacks such as dried yellow snappers, dried squid, grilled skewers, and boiled snails are selling very well. In just “minutes”, the groups of FSOFTers filled the Future Hall with free drinks and beer.

Besides the stalls, the highlight of the F-Ville Marketplace must be the long jump game and the beer-drinking contest. The atmosphere of the market became more lively and exuberant than ever when MC Dang Manh began to invite other FSOFTers to participate in the long jump game. In this contest, just by jumping over certain lines, FSOFTers would have a chance to receive at least 2 cans of beer. Such a super attractive reward made the participants extremely excited and call each other in line to bring beer to the table together.

FSOFTers join the beer-catching game.

The fun atmosphere of the market made FSOFTers unable to sit still. Many FSOFTers from F-Ville 1 and F-Ville 2 went to the market together to relax after a productive week.

Mr. Nguyen Minh Tuan – BUL FHN.FLT was extremely excited to see the brothers of the unit having in the games. “Unfortunately, because it was raining that day, the event could not be held outdoors. Seeing the brothers relax after a week of hard work like that, I am very happy”, Mr. Tuan said. Besides, Mr. Tuan also shared that the fair will be held about every 2 weeks, which is the most ideal as it will not affect the working performance of FSOFTers.

FSOFTers at Hoa Lac exchange, buy and sell various items.

Joining the long jumping game and bringing back immediately 5 cans of beer, Ms. Thanh created a shock for FSOFTers at the market. “Friday market is the right time. This is not only a market for buying – selling and exchanging goods but also a useful playground for FSOFTers at Hoa Lac after a stressful working week. The marketplace needs to attract more stalls and have more diverse games”, shared Ms. Thanh. She also thinks that, in the long run, the marketplace will become a culture unique to FSOFT Hoa Lac.

Let’s party.

Being an FSOFTer in Cau Giay, Phan Thuy Quynh (FHO.iDX) quickly registered a clothing store here. Quynh was quite sad that the marketplace could not be held outdoors, so FSOFTers did not have enough space to view and choose the costumes. “I hope the next markets will have more stalls. Don’t forget to visit our booth to pick up the newest shirts and dresses for the hot summer”, Quynh expressed.

The market is a cultural activity that has existed for a long time in all regions of our country. In particular, the highland market is said to be the place where the cultural beauty of ethnic minorities is. Inspired by the highland markets of Vietnam, FUN.HL rekindled the idea and built FSOFT Hoa Lac Market to connect the community of FSOFTers there.

FSOFTes in Hoa Lac can register for a stall HERE.
Marketplace schedule: 16h-17h every Friday.
Location: F-Ville 2 ground
If you have any questions about the marketplace in FSOFT Hoa Lac , FSOFTers can contact AnhLTN3.


Photos: Tran The Hai (GAM)



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