FSOFT releases a set of Employer Brand publications

As part of the activity series to promote the Employee Value Proposition, Workforce Assurance Department (FWA) releases a set of Employer Brand publications covering FSOFT’s highlights.

The Employer Brand includes Brand Guidelines, FSOFT Recruitment Handbook, Slide template, Icon package, EB Gifts. With the message “Start with you”, the publications are aimed at emphasizing the employee’s core values to the growth of FSOFT; the optimized design and user-friendly interface for both Vietnamese FSOFTers and Expats.

The publications are part of the Employee Value Proposition contributed by thousands of employees who influence EVP values and receive commitments from the company’s Board of Directors.

FSOFT is committed to providing employees with happy experiences. On the journey to “Create Happiness”, in addition to commensurate remuneration, talent incubation programs, and outstanding internal culture, the EVP is the next privilege for FSOFTers.

In 2023, the EVP project is led by Workforce Assurance Department (FWA) with a wide range of activities and goals to build a happy work environment, which is founded by core values like respect for individuals, innovations, commensurate income… in combination with the outstanding values committed by FSOFT’s Board of Directors.

FSOFTers can use the set of Employee Value Proposition for brand communication and recruitment activities in alignment with FSOFT’s spirit.

Download publications at the link.

FSOFT Recruitment Handbook for Expat

FSOFT Recruitment Handbook

FSOFT Employer Brand Book_Internal Use

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