FSOFTer Da Nang experienced Japanese culture at F-Complex with excitement

As part of a series of programs to experience Japanese culture, over the weekend, Tanabata was simulated at F-Complex with nearly 200 FSOFTers. The event was organized by FSOFT Training Center (CTC – 13k5) in collaboration with Sakura Japanese Language Center.

Here, the origin of Tanabata holiday was better explained through a short play about the love story of Orihime – Zhi Nu and Hikoboshi – Niu Lang, separated by the Milky Way, only meet once a year on 7/7.

Along with the experience of trying on a Yukata, a traditional Japanese shirt used in the summer, FSOFTerstogether wrote wishes on a small piece of paper and hung it on a bamboo tree in the hope that it would come true.

For the first time participating in the event, genZ staff Pham Le Khanh Linh (BOD.DNC) said: “I didn’t register at first. But a friend invited me to go, so I signed up in minutes and felt very lucky to enjoy such an interesting and meaningful ceremony. Understanding more about Japanese culture, knowing the difference between Japanese and Vietnamese ceremonies, and getting to take many beautiful photos with Yukata.”

Not only participating in cultural activities, FSOFTers also have the opportunity to practice listening and speaking Japanese with Japanese teachers. Attending the N5 course organized by FSOFT, Nguyen Quang Dat (FDN.S13) feels: “I study Japanese to serve my work, but the more I learn and know about Japanese culture, the more I love Japan. , and events like this make me feel that learning Japanese will not be difficult if I have enough motivation and passion. I hope to come to Japan one day soon.”

Following the success of the Tanabana festival, a series of activities to experience Japanese culture are expected to continue to be held monthly to promote the love of learning Japanese and bring the opportunity to learn Japanese closer. become a companion to help FSOFTer conquer the dream of living and working in the land of the rising sun.


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