GAM.DAP “fires up” with “GO F-VILLE WITH DAP’s SPIRIT”

The “GO F-VILLE WITH DAP’s SRIPIT” team building program of GAM.DAP took place with nearly 150 “hearts beating in the same beat” for 7 hours.

To promote the collective spirit, all GAM.DAP members stood “shoulder to shoulder” to overcome the “Amazing Race” consisting of 9 challenges that highlighted FSOFT’s 9 core values ​​in its corporate culture namely Transparency, Teamwork, Courage to Pioneer, Responsibility, Insight, Diversity – Flexibility, Belief, Innovation, and Creation – Synergy.

Through those continuous challenges, the program organizers also wanted to send to all teams the message that “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. Synergy, solidarity and creativity are the keys to open the door to the future.” At the same time, the form of competitions also helped participants explore the two F-Ville campuses, which are the most creative and “green” working environments in Hanoi.

GO F-VILLE WITH DAP’s SPIRIT was a special experience program co-sponsored and organized by EX Program, FSOFT FUN and DAP with the advice and help from GAM.

On behalf of the organizers, Ms. To Thanh Hang (GAM.DAP), PIC of cultural activities at DAP, shared, “This is a challenging journey. It was arduous but very much memorable and enjoyable. So many emotions rushed through in just a few days right before the event. Favorable rain, gentle wind, and summer sunshine did not ruin the spirit of all participants in the program for 7 consecutive hours. Each challenge and each touch point in the program had a different meaning. It was also a journey for self-discovery of the inner personality of each participant.

source GAM


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