Go-live of student internship management tool for FHU

Recently, FA collaborated with FST and related units to develop the “Internship Management” tool. The tool has been deployed with the aim of improving and enhancing the quality of service, effectively managing student interns at FSOFT in the most optimized way.

The Internship Management Tool’s main purpose is to support BUL Leads and Project Managers in managing personnel data closely related to issues such as the number of working student interns, positions, and roles of each individual in the project, thereby evaluating the work process of students in the most thorough and accurate way. Additionally, the tool also assists in processing contract-related matters, enabling FSOFT to handle student accounts promptly.

The student intern management process at FSOFT is built in 3 stages: Recruitment – Utilization of personnel – Contract termination. In the recruitment stage, units with a demand for student interns must request recruitment through FWA. Once confirmed by FWA, FA will be responsible for interviewing, conducting onboarding procedures, guiding students to complete the ISMS course, and signing a commitment to information security. Simultaneously, SSC will proceed to create accounts and prepare logistics for interns.

During the utilization of personnel stage, the unit must evaluate the training results for students before the 8th day of each month and manage the assets assigned to the interns. In case the unit fails to evaluate within the deadline or the student’s contract has expired, the student’s account will be deactivated immediately. FA stands in the middle to continue monitoring the progress of the unit and informing relevant units to support students when requested.

In the final stage, when the contract term has ended, the unit using the student intern will request changes/termination/extension/contract transfer based on departmental needs. FA will send instructions to students for the next steps and simultaneously notify SSC to activate/disable accounts.

The “Internship Management” tool has been put into use and is still undergoing updates and improvements to address issues that arise during tool usage. For any questions that need to be answered, please contact: [email protected] / [email protected] for consultation.


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