More than 200 Hope School students visit FSOFT Da Nang

On August 8, FSOFT Da Nang welcomed more than 200 students from Hope School to visit the campus. During the tour, the students were introduced to the working environment of programmers, and exchanged and learned about FSOFT’s culture.

The Office Tour took the students to different working compartments to learn about the dining – entertainment area of the programmers at FSOFT Da Nang. The green and friendly space made the kids very excited. At the end of the tour, the whole group gathered in the 300 Hall, and enjoyed refreshments with cool yogurt prepared by the FSOFT’s employees.

Mr. Nguyen Huu Phong – Head of Corporate Culture Department, introduces FSOFT’s culture to the students.

The atmosphere in the hall gradually heated up with the warm-up dance by the students of Hope School and FSOFTers. At the end of the dance, Mr. Nguyen Huu Phong – Head of FSOFT’s Corporate Culture Department, introduced to the students about the culture, global success, and work opportunities that FSOFT has to offer. The students listened attentively to the introduction and had a good understanding of FSOFT after the talk. When asked questions by the aunt and uncle, all of the students enthusiastically raised their hands to answer and many also participated in minigames and received souvenirs from the company.

Hope School students get excited about the talk by Mr. Phong.

“We just toured over the workspace of FPT Software Da Nang. All were created with the hands and brains of FPT people. Coming to Hope School, the children received a lot of love from FPT teachers,  brothers and sisters. To be grateful for that, please love and help each other. As teachers and students, we will try to strive forward with more achievements in the next 5 and 10 years”, Mr. Hoang Quoc Quyen – PM of Hope School Boarding School project, shared at the event. Following Mr. Quyen’s sharing, hundreds of students from Hope School all together voiced their thanks for FSOFT.

Mr. Hoang Quoc Quyen speaks at the event.

Hopefully, with the companionship from FSOFT as well as FPT Corporation’s member companies, the students of Hope School will be more motivated, more confident. Hope that all of you will study and do well to become their future colleagues at F family.

Some photos taken during the visit of Hope School students to FSOFT Da Nang:

Nhat Tuyen


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