More than 7000 Workplace badges for FSOFTers getting international certification

From June 20, FSOFTer with an international certification will be awarded a badge on the Workplace profile page. Specifically, the Badge set designed exclusively for FSOFTer has the main green color with the globe symbol showing the spirit of World-Class, as a Passport that recognizes personnel with international standard competence.

The list of certificates awarded Badge is an international exam certificate and a certificate of completing international standard courses such as Udacity, Coursera, and Global SE level B1 up. Accordingly, employees only need to declare their certificates and course certificates on akaJob to be considered for the International standard badge.

As of 14 June 2022, there was 7,158 FSOFTer granted Badge. Every quarter, CTC will verify the certificate information declared by employees on akaJob to award Badges to FSOFTer.

This is a form of commending and honoring FSOFTers who have the spirit and goals in the journey of self-development and capacity-building; thereby contributing to improving the quality of human resources of FSOFT towards the goal of 20K certificates for the “1B” milestone (revenue reaching USD 1 billion) by 2023.

The world-Class company is formed from high-class personnel, demonstrated through prestigious international certificates. Entering 2022, FSOFT has invested a record amount of up to millions of USD to buy courses on high-class platforms for employees to study such as Udacity and Udemy. At the same time, with the support of leaders at all levels and especially FSOFT Chairwoman Chu Thi Thanh Ha, the Training Center (CTC) has and will issue many new policies and learning programs to create favorable conditions and benefit for students and actively support the participating FSOFTer.

Previously, from May 2022, the policy to support the international certification exam 20K Certificates was expanded to encourage employees to be more proactive and free in taking the exam for valuable certificates. In order to receive exam fee support, FSOFTer please register your exam plan with CTC HERE. In particular, this registration is a necessary condition for FSOFTer to be supported with certification exam fees under this new policy. 

For information about registration and support for international certification exams, FSOFTer, please contact [email protected].


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