Opening many internal knowledge-sharing workshops, GST DN aims at quality collectives

In the two months of May and June 2022, GST Da Nang organized many internal knowledge-sharing activities in response to the “GST Starlight” program of GST.PMO.

Team Android organized 2 big seminars on the topic Clean Architecture (speaker Nguyen Van Cuong) and Git Version Control (speaker Nguyen Van Phuc). Meanwhile, the internal project management community experienced the first lesson about the PM profession with the sharing of two veteran PMs Tran Hung Phong and Hoang Nguyen Anh. “Captain” Nguyen Tran Hung also contributed experience in open talk sessions with key members of the unit.

The workshop is opened continuously for GST brothers to update their professional knowledge.

In June 2022, the next seminar activities are urgently prepared by the unit. These activities will be carried out at least twice a month. Individuals who organize activities, actively share knowledge, and contribute to community building will receive beautiful and starlight gifts from GST.PMO and GST.DN. On 6 June 2022, Mr. Nguyen Tran Hung directly met, thanked and gave gifts to the most active members in this activity.


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