People of FFR exuberantly welcome 14th birthday

Going after target of a growth by at least 30% with a revenue of 15 million USD in 2022, FPT France (FFR) welcomed the age of 14 with a confident and brilliant mood through a team building trip to Palmyre beach, which is nearly 500km from Paris, in the southwest of France. For 3 days and 2 nights, the FFR family fully enjoyed relaxing moments and looked back on a challenging yet meaningful 14-year journey together.

During the trip, FFR people enthusiastically participated in a series of exciting games such as kayaking, bicycle racing, and beach volleyball. With the idea of ​​”FPT army going to get money from the West”, the two teams competed fiercely for scores through each game. No matter which team won, everyone experienced memorable moments with their teammates.

On this occasion, FFR also held a Gala Dinner to celebrate its 14th anniversary on the evening of June 13. It was the time for the branch’s employees to look back on the journey from the first days as well as to share more about FPT’s culture and core values ​​to all members. The Gala was a success and has left many emotions in the participants.

Team building activities are also a valuable opportunity to help all members of FFR connect, understand each other better, and shorten the cultural gap between members of many countries.

“It has been a few years since I last experienced such a fun and positive team building atmosphere like this. This is so in line with the spirit of ‘Work hard, play hard’ shared by FPT people. Although I have participated in many team building activities in Vietnam, this time is a very special experience for me as all FFR’s members of different nationalities got immersed in the beautiful nature of the west coast of France.” , Mr. Vu Quang Hai (FFR) shared.

Actively participating in activities and being with all FFR members to enjoy the night, FFR CEO – Mr. Jerome Modolo hopes that regular collective activities like this will be a source of motivation for the brothers in the company to understand each other, unite and contribute to the development of FFR in the future.

“With the desire to bring all members a true “FPT-ish” team building event, the organizers have carefully selected the most suitable place for team building activities so that all members can “burn it up” the most. The event was a great success as everyone was very satisfied and enjoyed the activities”, shared Ms. Minh Nguyet – Head of the Organizing Committee of the event.

After only the first 5 months of the year, FFR achieved impressive results of successfully winning over 3 new clients, helping to increase sales by 13%. Although there are many difficulties and challenges ahead, all FFR members still do their best and unanimously aim for a grow by at least 30% with 15 million USD in revenue and 10 new clients in 2022.

source FFR


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