Receive rewards up to VND 20 million with AI Lab Incentive Program 2022

AI Lab Incentive Program is a program to promote applied AI research capacity in FSOFT. The program, initiated by the AI Center in 2020, has recognized and awarded hundreds of individuals with particularly outstanding achievements in AI/ML. In 2022, the AI Lab Incentive Program will continue to be implemented with much attractive new content.

Accordingly, AI Lab Incentive Program 2022 is deployed on two sides including Learning and Research.

In terms of learning, individuals will be awarded from VND 500,000 to VND 5 million for completing internal training certificates and international training in AI/ML courses. The certificates and courses awarded this year include Microsoft Azure, ML Ops, Cloud Computing, Data Management, Security, Electrical Engineering, etc. Therefore, cultivating more knowledge through courses and certificates will help FSOFTer directly serve their work.

In terms of research, the program will award prizes from VND 500,000 to VND 2 million to individuals and groups that have blogs about AI/ML; awarding prizes from VND 1 million to VND 15 million to individuals and groups whose research papers are published in international scientific journals and conferences. In particular, the program awards VND 20 million to individuals and groups who win prizes at level A seminars, have patents or make impressive contributions to FSOFT’s AI projects.

Sharing about the AI Lab Incentive Program, Mr. Le Huy Nam Anh (DXG.SDU) expressed: “The Incentive program aims to encourage FSOFTer to study and obtain very trendy and necessary certificates for jobs such as AI, Machine Learning, Cloud, etc. When I received the Incentive award, I was very happy because I had both knowledge, certificate, more motivation and ‘weapons’ to be ready for new challenges on my work journey”.

For details on AI Lab Incentive Program, FSOFTer refer to HERE.


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