Review knowledge on process and quality with Quality Exam 2021

With the “Do right from the start” message, the Quality Exam 2021 organized by CTC online, lasting from July 22 to July 29 will strengthen and refresh knowledge about the process and quality for students. all FSOFTer in the delivery sector.

Accordingly, the Quality Exam will be held in all 3 regions, for all employees of the Delivery block (except for QA, PM and employees who are on leave according to the company’s regime).

By participating in this exam, FSOFTer will study and take the exam on the eCampus tool and must pass at least 80% to be recognized as completed. The course content consists of 2 parts including study and exam. Of which, the course will provide a general introduction to FSOFT’s Quality Policy and Procedures, guidelines on work processes and perspectives to ensure quality in work for each position. The exam consists of 20 questions around the knowledge introduced in the lecture, helping FSOFTer remember the knowledge and apply it in practice.

In addition to providing process and quality knowledge, this year’s Quality Exam also offers many awards for teams that successfully complete the course. Specifically, the team (251 employees or more) will receive VND 4 million; Teams (from 151-250) receive VND 3 million; Teams (from 51 to 150 employees) will receive VND 2 million. The award is only applicable to the unit with a completion rate of 95 per cent or higher and the earliest completion.

Along with that, the warm-up Quality Exam Game on myFPT with a total prize of 10,000 gold will take place from noon to 2 pm on July 21. FSOFTer pay attention to follow the news about the Quality Exam to dig gold.


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