Surprised on first onsite trip to “Island of Love” in Philippines

In mid-June, Dang Ngoc Chuong (IVS.B0) took a flight to the Philippines, taking on the task of implementing Automation Test for a client’s application. This journey “untangled” many knots in him about the island nation of the Philippines.

This project is between IVS and D. – the largest satellite TV service provider in the Americas and also a partner of FPT since 2011. The project started in July and is expected to last until December 2022 with the main task is to coordinate with the team in California (USA) to run Automation Test for the client’s application.

Dang Ngoc Chuong (IVS.B0) During this onsite trip, Chuong encountered many barriers in his work because the community and documents specializing in Automation Testing for Roku OS were very rare. Moreover, because the application needs to connect via IP in the US to be able to view the content. There were often network errors, slow loading and loss of connection. In order to run the project smoothly, Chuong and two other onsiters always had to find ways to connect and openly discuss problems with the California team and FPT Philippines to find solutions.

It’s been more than a month that Chuong has passed through the Philippines. Before leaving, the 9X boy kept a close eye on his heart because he heard that life in this island nation was quite complicated. But Chuong soon got rid of the “rumors” when he arrived at the FPHI headquarters in the IT Park in Cebu, which Chuong considered a modern, clean, fully equipped campus with tight security.

With the support from the company and the unit, Chuong lived in an apartment with full amenities. What surprised Chuong most was that FPHI is like a small family. Everyone there takes care of and communciates with each other thoughtfully. “I did not think that in a foreign land, people would have such precious feelings. All distances are erased by the love I receive from other FPHI members”, shared Chuong.

Not only thinking highly of the office and people of FPHI, Chuong was also impressed with sea and islands. The young man also quickly immersed himself in activities such as diving and shooting. To Chuong, the food taste in this island nation was a bit different from that in Vietnam, mostly fried food, dry, very few vegetables and soup. Thus, he tried to adapt to always have a full stomach.

“I get a 20 USD allowance from FSOFT and an additional 10 USD from IVS for daily expenses, so I can comfortably fill my stomach,” said Chuong excitedly.

In the coming time, along with supporting the client on new solutions, Chuong will continue to explore the beauty of this island nation.



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