The “IT Complex” model is important in FPT’s strategy to reach 1 million IT engineers by 2035

That was the statement of FPT CEO Nguyen Van Khoa at the “IT Complex” certificate award ceremony given by the Ministry of Information and Communications to FPT Complex in Da Nang on April 20.

On April 20, in the presence of the Party Central Committee member, Secretary of the City Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation in Da Nang Nguyen Van Quang, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung announced Decision No.261/QD-TTg signed by Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, recognizing F-Complex as an IT Complex. The event had the participation of FPT CEO Nguyen Van Khoa, FSOFT Senior Vice President Nguyen Khai Hoan, Chairman of Central FSOFT Nguyen Tuan Phuong.

Aiming to turn Da Nang into a global digital resource center, the FPT CEO expects Da Nang leaders to facilitate the connected ecosystem development and expand FPT Complex in 3-5 years, attracting more investors to Da Nang, promoting green economy development, expanding training centers to cultivate quality human resources. According to Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa, FPT is committed to devoting resources and calling on businesses to invest in Da Nang, turning the city into a global digital resource center, bringing locals a better life.

Building software and training complexes, large resource centers in Vietnam and globally is one of FPT’s strategic orientations for long-term growth, developing human resources and Vietnam’s IT industry, lifting Vietnamese intelligence on the global digital tech map. FPT Complex offers all the necessary facilities for daily life and a comfortable workspace like a resort.

Flexible working time, green space, free access to sports facilities (football field, golf course, table tennis), entertainment, healthcare, FPT Complex in particular and FPT’s technology campuses provide employees with a satisfactory workspace – enjoy working like traveling – Codecation (Code Vacation). These complexes are aimed at promoting cultural and human values including Experience – Care – Happiness.


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