The tale of Hola Park from two SSC  young ladies

Boasting sweet beauty, Dong Khanh Ly and Tran Thi Hong Anh from SSC.HL are familiar faces to FSOFTers at Hola Park.

On the bus to Hola Park, Dong Khanh Ly (SSC.HL) takes the opportunity to apply light makeup and catch up on news on Workplace. Stepping off the bus, Ly takes a deep breath to welcome the fresh, cool air of the CodeCation Hola Park campus. Ly starts her day full of energy like this.

With the unique nature of her job being to assist staff and guests with borrowing backup and visitor cards, receiving tea break orders, and office supplies, and supporting company events upon request…, Khanh Ly always pays attention to her appearance and demeanor. “I want my appearance in front of FSOFTers and customers to be truly radiant with a professional service attitude so that everyone feels happy, comfortable, and assured when using SSC’s services at Hola,” Ly says.

Previously, Ly had imagined Hola Park as a quiet, secluded place, but becoming an FSOFTer, she has new feelings. For Ly, Hola Park is a working environment always filled with flowers and greenery, creating a cool and relaxing feeling like a resort.

The 2000-born girl, Tran Thi Hong Anh from the Event team at SSC Hoa Lac, also shares her serendipitous journey to Hola Park. Recalling her experience, Hong Anh says: “After graduating from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, I worked at a company. But after a friend who was an FSOFTer took me to experience a day at Hola, I ‘fell in love’ with the environment here. Coincidentally, FSOFT was recruiting, and I quickly applied and became an FSOFTer from September 2023.”

Contrary to what many people think that Hola Park is far from the city center, making the journey tiring, Hong Anh has a different interesting experience. Instead of enduring traffic jams in the city center, Hong Anh enjoys a smooth bus ride to the point she falls asleep without realizing it.

Arriving at the company, she is greeted by the sound of birds chirping, the green sky, and the dew still lingering on the leaves, bringing a sense of relaxation and comfort. Hola Park for her is not only a workplace but also a place so picturesque she exclaims: “Since officially becoming a Hola-er, I always run into the problem… of never running out of photos to post. The dilemma is, there are too many beautiful photos of the campus, what should I do?”

As an SSC-er, Hong Anh always tries to polish both her appearance and demeanor to leave a good impression on customers visiting and working at Hola Park. Besides, she always hopes to provide great experiences for FSOFTers, to make them feel more affectionate and attached to this campus.

On March 8th, Hong Anh and Khanh Ly share their hope to always receive love and appreciation from the gentlemen at Hola in particular and FSOFTers in general so that every day at the campus is a beautiful day.


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