What Developers need to know before switching to DE or DA?

Mastering programming knowledge, being able to use programming languages ​​such as Python, C#, Java, or Scala, understanding SQL databases are the advantages of a developer when switching to data science like DE /SKIN. But to embark on real work, a developer needs more than that.

‘Unbelievable’ opportunities in data processing at FSOFT

In the race for the digital revolution, the need for big data processing from governments to companies and enterprises is becoming urgent. Like oil 200 years ago, data in the digital economy is a valuable but untapped source of “fuel”.

Since 2016, FSOFT has promoted its digital transformation (DX) strategy, and invested in many DX projects globally. With the goal of efficient data processing, towards developing new products and optimal services, intelligent decision making, client groups from the US, Europe, and the Middle East have requested FSOFT to provide our DE/DA forces. Even a group of clients who are strict in technology like Japan have begun to propose data processing projects and invest in recruiting DA/DE onsite positions. Simultaneously, data projects “bloom” across fronts such as production data, IoT, Location, Healthcare, Banking/Finance, along with interesting problems such as Visualization, Migration, Computer vision, Recommendations, Fraud detection, Optimization, etc.

This context poses urgent requirements for FSOFT in recruiting and attracting DE/DA/DS experts and training and fostering the existing DE/DA/DS force. This is also an opportunity for developers to upskill, practice new skills, and try a new field.

What does a developer need to switch to DE/DA/DS?

According to Mr. Le Minh Duc (GAM) – person in charge of data science capabilities at GAM HCM, FSOFT programmers have many advantages when moving to a new data science level such as solid programming knowledge, using Fluent in programming languages ​​like Python, C#, Java or Scala, have background knowledge about SQL, cloud services, CI/CD, etc. especially those who do Backend.

With many years of experience leading young people in DE/DA/DS, Mr. Duc said that, in order to embark on data processing-related jobs, programmers need to learn more about converting different data sets, understand distributed programming to deal with big data, and learn more about Cloud services, Databases.

In addition, the characteristic of data analysis and processing is business knowledge, so programmers need good enough English to read and understand international documents and communicate directly with clients. Mastering the basic knowledge of Math such as probability statistics and Algebra is essential for a DE/DA. Especially to become DS, Dev needs to prepare more equipment about Machine Learning, AI.

So how does a Dev’s roadmap turn into a specific DE/DA or DS? Mr. Duc pointed out that, before making a decision to change direction and upskill for themselves, Devs should start by self-study to consider their own capabilities and abilities in accordance with DE, DA, or DS positions. Nowadays, there are countless online courses to add background knowledge to DE/DA or DS. Particularly, FSOFT has supported free Udemy accounts, subsidized prices for FSOFTers taking Microsoft certifications. Just by completing one or more courses on Udemy or Coursera, Dev’s English will be significantly increased. At that time, you can confidently present your redirection wishes to PM/BUL.

When considered, facilitated to switch to projects suitable for DE/DA or DS positions, programmers continue to participate in training and practice in project work. “Dev only takes 1 to 2 months to be able to master the job, then actively contribute to the team”, Mr. Duc said.

In the current context of “thirst” for DE/DA or DS human resources, Mr. Duc said that GAM in particular and other units in FSOFT, in general, encourage employees to upskill. Having highly qualified personnel will be the key for FSOFT to participate in a variety of projects. Therefore, Devs who wish to switch to DE/DA or DS can boldly propose to their direct manager for guidance on the most appropriate route.

Currently, FSOFT is spending tens of billions of dong for data experts including Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Data Engineers to participate in Upskilling program on the world’s leading online training platform – Udacity. This is a long-term step of FSOFT in investing in high-quality resources to serve its Digital Transformation strategy.



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