Young policeman steps out of comfort zone and choses FSOFT for new career in programming

Nguyen Tien Dat (GST) now has the chance to access many opportunities in the IT industry after he decided to change his direction from being a police lieutenant to a programmer.

7 years working in the People’s Public Security, the young man born in 1996 always worried about stepping out of his comfort zone to try new things. Once having passed the entrance exam for the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Dat now wants to continue to follow his unfinished IT dream with all his curiosity and eagerness.

In August 2021, Dat applied for an interview for the Fresher IOS. position After 3 months of studying at FSOFT Academy (FA), the young man born in 1996 was fully prepared to become a “genuine” FSOFTer. As of now, the former police lieutenant has put on the FPT T-shirt and joined GST.

“Say farewell” to the police job, Dat “salutes” the IT industry.

Although it has not been a year since his entering FSOFT, Dat now thinks that the door for future is really wide open with passion. Through the lens of FSOFT, the 9X guy sees himself small and the world really big when job opportunities are all over the globe.

To Dat, in addition to a multicultural and colorful working environment, FSOFT gives him the opportunity to expand his knowledge, cultivate and learn constantly to advance on his career path. “It is one thing to study on global educational platforms, but I am also taught by fellow FSOFTers who have many years of experience under their belt. That is not only the knowledge about being a developer but also about life. If I hadn’t come across FSOFT, I’d have missed a train to a new land.”

Dat’s motto is also the title of a book by Andrew Matthews: “Life changes when we change”. That’s why Dat dared to step out of his comfort zone to change for his own goals and passions.



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