13 hectic days of SAS in HOSE project

On July 5, HOSE officially launched the new trading system provided by FPT after 100 deployments. This success was made by the cooperation of many units and departments at FPT, including the FSOFT Information Security Service Development Center (SAS), which carried out an information security assessment of the entire system before the official operation.

Information security assessment for the new securities trading system is a requirement that HOSE must perform before going live the system. As originally planned, HOSE would hire a third party to conduct an independent system review with an expected implementation time of one month. However, due to some problems, that partner could not continue the work. To ensure the project’s progress, HOSE asked FPT to propose an independent unit to undertake that task. SAS is the unit that the project team considered. Back then, there were only 27 days left until the originally scheduled golive milestone (June 28).

HOSE is back on track after a hiatus.

Mr. Ha Bach Nam (SAS), Technical Leader (TL) of the project recalled that the SAS side needed to receive and continued to carry out the entire volume and scope of work that HOSE’s original partner had built, including evaluation of security price for core transaction processing application system, server system, database, and network infrastructure. The requirement to perform the assessment was very strict as it applied both security standards of the world such as OWASP, CIS, and standards of the Vietnamese government on ensuring information security TCVN 11930:2017.

After assessing the feasibility, SAS accepted the project when there were only 24 days left to golive. According to HOSE’s original plan, the project team will have to reschedule the official operation because it will take time to fix errors and re-evaluate before it can accept the results. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic began to break out strongly in Ho Chi Minh City, hindering the ability to implement the project at the HOSE office as required.

Finally, the SAS team proposed a new assessment plan with a shortened time of only 13 days and performed the entire work in Hanoi. With this plan, the project team will have enough time to fix bugs, re-check SA, and meet the initial golive schedule.

To complete the work, SAS has focused on the project with almost all the best personnel of the unit, including 1 CISSP, 4 OSWE, and 1 OSCP, committed to quality and time to execute on schedule. During the implementation process, the SAS project team continuously sat with the FPT project team and the client in explaining the problems, consulting the most effective solution, and making adjustments as required by HOSE.

Closing nearly 2 weeks of implementation, SAS has ensured the project progress, completed the requirements so that the project team can check and accept the work on time. FPT IS Deputy Production Director cum HoSE Project Manager – Mr. Duong Van Thuy, shared on Chungta that HoSE leaders have praised SAS’s speed and professionalism. Mr. Thuy also emphasized that FPT’s “One Team” spirit made the HOSE project complete as promised. In addition, it was also thanks to the role of the Board of Directors and the technical capacity of FPT.

Phuc Nguyen

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