FAMer realizes the dream of purchasing a home and embracing global citizenship with his family

After three years of planning to purchase a house in the United States, Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong (FAM.ST9) and his family have achieved the “American Dream” by successfully moving into their own residence in Lawrenceville, located on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong is currently a Solution Architect in the C99 project with client Cox Automotive. Joining FHN in 2018, with expertise in eCommerce and Blockchain, he mainly worked with customer groups in the Korean and APAC markets at that time. 2018 was also the year FSOFT’s business in the US market opened up new opportunities. He was invited and supported to establish a communication link in the Healthcare sector in the US. However, Mr. Cuong could not relocate then due to ongoing projects. It was in 2019 when he and his family finally moved to the United States.

When Mr. Cuong arrived in America towards the end of the year, he encountered challenges in finding a rental house. Despite the high rent in Santa Monica, California, he opted to lease a house near the customer’s office for convenience. As Christmas drew near and the search for a suitable apartment continued, Mr. Cuong and his family explored various rental options, including visiting a renowned housing rental company for guidance. Fortunately, they secured an apartment located just over 1km from the customer’s office, adjacent to a supermarket. Without hesitation, Mr. Cuong signed the contract and moved into the new house on December 29th, as he shared his experience.

After residing in Santa Monica for 10 months, his family relocated to Georgia when he became involved in the C99 project. With prior experience in house rentals, he secured a 2-bedroom apartment in Dunwoody, a city near Atlanta, using the Zillow app. The chosen location met his criteria of proximity to customers and offering full amenities, especially a school for his children. During his 3-year stay in Dunwoody, Mr. Cuong encouraged many FSOFT colleagues to move into the same apartment complex, fostering connections among families and supporting each other through the initial challenges of settling in America.

After the pandemic, rental house prices are on the rise, while resale house prices have started increasing rapidly once again after hitting a record low in 2020. Mr. Cuong saw 2023 as a unique opportunity to achieve his dream of owning a house in America and embarked on a house-hunting journey. The couple initially explored various zip codes and neighborhoods near their workplace before expanding their search to areas with good schools and amenities in Georgia. They actively viewed houses through platforms like Zillow, Redfin, Realtor, and sought assistance from a broker. Throughout this process, they gained valuable experience and insights into the real estate market in the country. Georgia emerged as the perfect place for their family to settle due to its reasonable prices, quality of life, picturesque landscapes, advanced education system, and cultural diversity that facilitates children’s integration.

“In August 2023, I discovered a house in Lawrenceville, around 21 miles from the Atlanta office, that perfectly met my requirements. Despite the high price compared to our budget, my wife and I discussed the opportunity and realized it was too good to pass up. We feared waiting would only drive up the cost. With my family’s encouragement, I set a bidding price and nervously awaited the outcome. Given the competitive auction, I didn’t expect much. To my surprise, I was informed that my offer was the most suitable and I would be signing a contract with the homeowner,” Mr. Cuong shared about his house purchase decision.

With the help of his coworkers, Mr. Cuong and his wife opted to save money by transitioning their house renovation from a classic style to a sleek, modern look, finishing it in just two months. Each member, ranging from software engineers to developers, took on additional roles as “painter” and “wood tiler”.

Upon moving into his new home, Mr. Cuong was overwhelmed with emotion as he achieved the “American Dream.” “It’s truly unbelievable. I am fortunate to have supportive friends and colleagues who stand by me through thick and thin. The FSOFT community in Atlanta is growing, providing mutual assistance in both work and life. I am confident that Atlanta will emerge as a desirable destination, not only for the Vietnamese community but also for the technology and investment sectors across the entire United States. If you get the chance to work in the US, particularly in Atlanta, rest assured that you will receive enthusiastic guidance and backing!”

Let’s take a look at Mr. Cuong’s family’s “dream” house!

The cozy home of Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong (FAM.ST9)
Mr. Cuong’s family’s “dream” house
His family decorated it themselves for Christmas
Colleagues came to visit and take Tet photos
Cozy living room in the house



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