FPT CEO: “To the people of FPT Japan, you should keep dreaming”

Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa is very impressed with FPT Japan (FJP)’s goal of reaching 1B USD in 2027 and he believes that the company will soon achieve that goal.

FJP ME 2022 will take place from June 24-26 in Sendai, Japan. This is the first time Mr. Khoa attends the ME at an overseas OB so he hopes that luck will come FJP’s way after 2 years of being affected by Covid-19 in Japan.

In the past 2 days, Mr. Khoa has been impressed with the sharings by the teams. In particular, he is especially impressed with the goal of reaching 1 billion USD by 2027 that FJP CEO Do Van Khac has set for the branch.

A “key word” repeated by Mr. Khoa after 2 days of ME is “end-to-end service”. According to Mr. Khoa, that is the aspiration and desire that FJP will go deeper into clients’ business and proudly become a major vendor of Japanese clients.

The CEO has two messages that he wants to deliver to FJP people. One is that FJP people will have to study a lot and continuously to do new things and develop “made by FPT”, or even “made by FJP, products”.

“We will have our own solutions, good sales tools, a strong technology army, and a strong sales force… they are small pieces that complete the big puzzle. And don’t forget Ms. Ha’s key word which is Learning, because we have to learn continuously to get those things”, emphasized Mr. Khoa.

FPT CEO Nguyen Van Khoa is impressed with and believes in FJP’s 1B goal by 2027.

Second, the CEO wants FJP to build relationships and manage clients well so that they can bring client management to a new level.

According to Mr. Khoa, relationship management is a huge topic. FJP needs to build a 4H model that takes advantage of both bottom-up and top-down relationships. All FJP leaders must participate in the whole process from sales to delivery, rather than considering it the responsibility of sales and AM.

“FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh once said that all leaders have to be on the front lines to work directly with clients and apologize when we don’t do well. FPT is trying to build a 4H model at OBs, whereby leaders must be present and stand side by side with staff in the most difficult and challenging situations”, said Mr. Khoa.

Concluding his sharing, the CEO expressed his wish that FJP people would “keep dreaming” and quickly translate their dreams into reality.

As a person who always accompanies FJP, FSOFT Chairwoman Chu Thi Thanh Ha sent her thanks to FJP members for their efforts and business results achieved in S1 despite the strong depreciation of the Yen, which has made many great opportunities slip away due to the lack of resources.

In S2, considering the expectations by clients for FJP, Ms. Ha also pointed out 4 actions that the branch needs to take. It is to accept the challenge of high level work, start learning to improve quality, embrace the one-team spirit in all activities; as well as when working with clients.

“Clients expect us to continue to deliver high-quality services and solutions. They want us to provide products and services with the best quality, done with breakthrough productivity, and thereby bringing productivity to an unprecedented level. I hope that by sticking to these difficult yet must-do 4 actions, we will keep our good quality, productivity, team work spirit, and learning spirit at the highest level of commitment,” shared Ms. Ha.

At the same time, Ms. Ha also believes that FJP will reach target 333 and beyond.

“I myself for now want to see FJP to make a miracle of reaching the 1-billion-USD milestone”, said FSOFT Chairwoman.

During the end of the 3-day strategic conference, FPT and FJP’s Board of Directors participated in many meaningful extracurricular activities such as planting 333 trees in Miyagi Prefecture, contributing to protecting the coast during natural disasters, and the leaders also visited Sendai Arahama City Primary School.



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