FPT France excellently completes 101% of plan for first 6 months of 2021

For more than 10 years of operation, FPT France (FFR) has always persevered in its mission to bring the best services and solutions to businesses in the European market in general and France in particular. The results of the first 6 months of 2021 have marked the outstanding achievements of this OB.

FFR was established in 2008 with its head office located in Paris (France). With a brand positioning as an international company with advantages in competitiveness and creativity, FFR constantly deploys activities to develop and enhance brand recognition in its target markets. At the same time, the products and services provided by FFR are always consistent with the goal of bringing positive impacts and preeminent values ​​to its clients.

FFR CEO Modolo Jérôme said that “France is a potential market, but there are also many challenges”. In order to improve competitiveness, in 2021, FFR aims to lay the foundation for the development of the brand, establishing business orientation including positioning activities, and building a corporate identity. This orientation is realized through strengthening cooperation with stakeholders, promoting communication activities to attract new clinét, optimizing conversion channels, and creating more interactions.

“FFR positions its brand as an international company with staff from many countries, ensuring the diversity of languages ​​to serve international projects. At the same time, FFR will promote DX and Digital Kaizen Digital Transformation programs, focusing on key programs such as Low-code, RPA, ERP/SAP, Cloud & Big Data, Test, and Cyber ​​Security. That goes hand in hand with developing partnerships with key actors of flows: Cloud, ERP, Low-code, and RPA,” added Jérôme.

According to statistics in the first 6 months of 2021, FFR has successfully completed the first 6 months of the year with a desirable figure of 101%. The growth is also expected to increase by more than 20% by the end of 2021. Due to the complicated situation of the epidemic, FFR still maintains and ensures good cooperation with key customers. Up to now, FFR’s revenue has reached 5.56 million USD and is expected to continue to grow strongly in the second half of 2021.

To achieve these impressive results, Mr. Jérôme said, “One Team” culture coupled with the “Hire for attitude – Train from skills” motto is the key to the success of the FFR. Here, all work is done in a transparent manner. All opinions are valued and all members know how to listen, be heard, and succeed in their work.

Going forward, FFR aims to increase its focus on Logistics, Transportation, and Manufacturing. According to Mr. Jérôme, these are vertical industries that have been heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and need to be focused on developing modernization and innovation programs to contribute to thoroughly handling the outstanding problems of the process such as the lack of automation, the dependence on manual tasks, and the problem of the old system and infrastructure.

Phuong Anh


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