FSOFT aims for sustainable values

In the context that the world is promoting sustainable development, green growth becomes an inevitable trend. In response, FSOFT is committed to maintaining the development momentum for a good future – growth goes hand in hand with sustainable development, creating more values in the economy, society and environment.

FSOFT aims for 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations as the guideline for all business and delivery activities.

  • Alleviating poverty, sharing with disadvantaged people through volunteer programs for the community.
  • Building a safe and healthy work environment, ensuring employee welfare.
  • Respecting gender equality.
  • Positive and healthy development, nurturing talents through training and development activities, providing employees with unlimited career and learning opportunities.
  • Using water responsibly and effectively, improving hygiene conditions for employees.
  • Preserving and protecting the environment through waste management and classification programs; planting trees; reducing greenhouse gas emissions, fighting climate change, protecting ecosystems. Increasing the use of clean energy (solar energy, electric vehicles, …).
  • Implementing solutions to expand sustainability activities with supply chain providers.

Specific activities will be implemented by the related departments in alignment with the plan. The Ecovadis project board expects FSOFTers to join hands so that the activities come to life, becoming FSOFT’s nice cultural identity.

In addition to meeting regulations and criteria, increasing competitiveness when being involved in the supply chain, sustainable development is expected to help FSOFT optimize delivery and operating costs, improving reputation, affirming the brand value as a responsible business to the community.


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