The story of an AI Expert Traslating books

The QAI research team faced a challenging task of translating Kai-Fu Lee’s 500-page book “AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future” in just three months. This endeavor aimed to make AI knowledge more accessible to a wider audience and enhance the team’s research capabilities.

The idea emerged when team member Mr. Nguyen Truong Thanh Hung (FHM.QAI) received an invitation from the publisher to translate the book. Eager to delve into global AI knowledge, he formed a translation group called “1441” and got to work.

Initially daunted by the book’s length, member Mr. Cao Quoc Hung (FHM.QAI) shared his initial concerns about its market appeal. However, the team persevered, translating the first portion for the publisher’s evaluation. After a week, they met with the publisher to refine their approach, which boosted their motivation.

The team divided the translation work, with each member handling several chapters. They collaborated to review, discuss, and improve their translations. Mr. Quoc Hung shared how he was drawn into the exciting world of AI in 2041, which transformed his outlook.

During the translation process, the team not only gained deeper insights into AI but also learned about its impact on human life and discovered diverse cultural aspects through the book’s engaging stories.

The team members, skilled in AI and languages, strived to make the book’s AI concepts accessible to all readers. Mr. Nguyen Vo Thanh Khang (FHM.QAI) from the “1441” group noted how the book’s future AI scenarios aligned with current global technology trends.

The QAI research team faced a challenging task of translating Kai-Fu Lee’s 500-page book “AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future” in just three months.

Though it took over three months to complete the translation, they had to wait more than a year for the final product due to editing, cover design, and approvals. They even leveraged the ChatGPT tool’s popularity to expedite publication.

When Saigonbooks finally released “AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future,” the team celebrated their achievement. The book took a prominent place on QAI’s bookshelf and received substantial orders worldwide. In the future, the “1441” team plans to translate more quality AI books, continuing their mission to bring AI to Vietnamese readers.

“AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future” by Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan offers an imaginative glimpse into the world of AI in 2041. It combines real-life AI stories with hopeful insights and is based on technologies with an 80% likelihood of becoming reality in the next two decades.

The “1441” translation team comprises accomplished QAI researchers known for their award-winning scientific papers, including publications in the Springer Journal of W3PHIAI-23, presented at the AAAI-23 Conference’s 7th International Workshop on Health.


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