Bird Tank #3: Diverse Initiatives, FSOFT’s First OB “Steps In” in 2024

The third session of iKhiến – Bird Tank 2024 witnessed a showdown of initiatives from various departments. Particularly, FJP represented the OBs participating in this race with an initiative involving the application of AI in the process of composing and presenting STCo songs. The other four initiatives represented units at FSOFT Vietnam, namely the Tracking and Analytics App from FHM, IT.WOW from IT, PGenUT, and Talent AI from FHN.

In the third session of Bird Tank in 2024, the Judging Panel included CDTO Dao Duy Cuong, Creative Director Dinh Tien Dung, Head of Planning and Business Nguyễn Tú Huyền, COOF Incubator Department Head Đào Ngọc Tú, Head of Digital Transformation and Operations Dương Kiều Oanh, and two Technology Experts from FHN and FHM, Vũ Công Quyết and Nguyễn Duy Đức, who weighed the merits of the five initiatives.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Dinh Tien Dung conveyed to the Baby Birds: “The spirit of Bird Tank is to nurture these ‘Baby Birds,’ so that initiatives can be applied to work, expanded throughout FSOFT, and then across the Group. The Judging Panel hopes that the teams will present compelling arguments and provide feedback to improve the initiatives, ready for ‘battles’ at the Corporation level.”

The arena of Bird Tank #3 in 2024 welcomed five initiatives:

1. AI STCo by the FUN FJP author group: In a context of 3,500 employees, with diverse languages, nationalities, ages, and cultural backgrounds, composing and promoting STCo songs require multiple steps and considerable costs. To address this “pain point,” the FUN FJP author group used AI tools to translate lyrics, compose melodies, and even “record” STCo songs. As a result, the process of ideation, composition, and launching of STCo products at FJP became more productive, with shortened timeframes and cost savings. Additionally, thanks to the “lightning speed” of AI tools, FJP employees could quickly “catch trends” and embrace FPT’s STCo culture in a “localized” version.

2. PGenUT by the author group from FHN.BU9: During project deployments in the unit, there were cases requiring up to 70MM, equivalent to 30-40% of coding effort for writing about 141 thousand lines of code for unit tests. To reduce the effort for the project, the author group introduced the PGenUT tool, which generates unit tests based on predefined test models. With the help of PGenUT, programmers only need to review the unit tests created by the tool and adjust if necessary, thus saving both time and effort. Compared to similar tools like CoPilot, TestSmart, PGenUT has the advantage of generating more unit tests (Bulk Generate) in a short time and at no cost. The project team plans to expand the tool to apply to many projects within FSOFT and support various programming languages.

3. Tracking and Analytics App by the FHM author group: During work and project support with client C., the project team found that the client faced many cases of delayed payment for shipping orders, with an estimated total loss of up to 1.6 million USD per year. Identifying the main causes as lack of tracking systems, high latency, overloaded emails, errors due to negligence, data loss, errors from the client side, etc., the author group proposed the solution of the Tracking and Analytics app. The app allows clients to collect real-time, centralized, and secure data, limit errors due to negligence, save time, and especially does not require infrastructure when deployed. It is known that after being applied to the production and business activities of client C., the Tracking and Analytics app won the third prize in the client’s internal innovation competition and received many positive feedbacks.

4. IT.WOW Tool by the author group from FHO.IT: In 2023, the FHO.IT personnel team needed to handle over 400,000 tickets from FSOFTers, including nearly 19,000 tickets not processed in a timely manner, averaging 9h/ticket, with a total waiting time of over 750,000h. This invisibly caused financial losses, time losses, and affected user experience. To address this issue, the innovation team introduced the Escalation Bot, with the main feature of recognizing hashtags attached to user IT support request tickets, creating chat groups on the team to handle urgent tickets. After resolving the issues, the bot will automatically delete chat groups on Teams to prevent IT support staff from being spammed after closing the ticket. After two months of operation, the Bot created 527 chat groups and handled all tickets within the required time. The Bot development team plans to expand IT services and support hashtags, aiming to expand the Bot to other BA units of FSOFT and the entire Group.

5. TalentAI Tool by the author group from FHN: TalentAI applies AI to the CV screening process, simplifying and optimizing the recruitment process. Recruiters only need to upload the JD for the position being recruited along with the CV and a short interview clip in English of the candidate to the TalentAI platform, then receive an analysis and “score” of the candidate based on the uploaded data. In addition, TalentAI will output a specific evaluation table including criteria and competence assessments of the candidate based on these criteria. TalentAI helps reduce the time to analyze and evaluate candidates’ CVs, thereby helping Hiring Managers and PMs save time in the recruitment process. Especially, TalenAI won the First Prize when participating in the Cloud & Big Data Hackathon 2023 organized by FSOFT.

After the introduction of initiatives from the participating teams, the Judging Panel asked many questions about feasibility and scalability. Factors such as AI, cost, and novelty were also discussed. Additionally, the Judging Panel provided many suggestions, with the goal of expanding initiatives throughout FSOFT in particular and the entire Group in general, thereby laying a solid foundation for initiatives to increase competitiveness when participating in the Group-level iKhiến competition.

Overall, the outstanding product IT.WOW won the Gold prize in Bird Tank #3. The Talent AI and Tracking and Analytics app initiatives won Silver prizes, AI STCo received the Bronze prize, and PGenUT received the Encouragement prize.



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